Prerequsite: none, but there is check that needs an attitude of 5 or higher, and is incompatible with the bimbo/himbo storylines.
Otherwise, this storyline will end.
After the 10th day, the player can find a woman who gets mugged as a random event. The woman will spout exposition about
sci-fi chastity belt/underwear/vibrator, and will start looking for a remote controller on the ground, which you find.
You can give her the controller, and the storyline ends.
You can keep teh controller, and it also functions as a proxymity detector, letting you search search the Main Square,
the Mall, and the Park, by trying to connect to its matching underwear.
No matter in what order you search, you find the mugger (Evelynn/Robby) on the third attempt.
E/R reveals that s/he is stuck in the belt, it cannot be taken off without the remote.
You can offer to sell it for money, and if you do so, you gain 400$, and the storyline ends.
(Z cherges 300$ for removing CC's, thus the 400)
You can also try to set up a trade with E/R: 5 "dates", at your discretion, during which you can mess with the vibrator.
This is the check, you need 4+ attitude and 1+ IQ to succeed, otherwise the storyline ends.
If you succeed, E/R gives you her/his phonenumber, and you can call him/her on a date, once every 3 days.
E/R has 2 variables: "frustration" and "frustration_date". "Frustration" carries over between dates, and starts at 0.
"Frustration_date" starts at 0, but if "frustration" grows, this one does as well.
If you end the date with Frustration_date < 5, nothing happens.
If you end the date with 5 < Frustration_date < 9, Frustration increases by 1.
If you end the date with 10< Frustration_date, E/R has enough of you, and the storyline end.
Every third call, except for the last date, E/R can't make it.
If you leave it at that, nothing happens.
You can add +1 to the number of dates E/R has to go on with you, but doing this increases Frustration by +1.
There are 3 kinds of dates: shopping, restaurant, cinema.
During each date, you have 4 opportunities to use different settings on teh vibrator: low setting, high setting, or off.
Using the low setting adds +1, and using the high setting adds +2 to "frustration_date" each time.
During every date, there is 1 point where someone must pay.
If you pay your part (cinema and restaurant), nothing happens.
If you offer to pay for everything, "Frustration_date" is reduced by 1.
If you offer to pay for everything or for your part, but don't have the money to do so, "Frustration_date" increases by 1.
If you tell E/R to pay (cinema and restaurant), "Frustration_date" increases by 1.
The last date takes place in the EC club, on next Friday, 8 PM.
The reservation costs 250, which you can either pay, or make E/R pay for it.
The EC ends with a sex scene where you dominate E/R.
After teh sex scene you can either keep your word and give up the remote, or keep it still.
This is the current end of the storyline.