1.: There is a new shop opening in the Main Square selling lifelike dolls. When you enter, you will be offered a doll with a brand new technology for only $500. Although it is a once-only offer, even if you don´t buy the doll that exact moment you receive the offer, the shop assistant will remember you next time, and will offer the same price (so don´t worry if you don´t have the money at the time of the first offer). The shop is open only until 7 pm each day.
2.: The content will only be available for you if you are not on the bimbo/himbo storyline and you are not seriously involved in Mrs. Spencer´s maid storyline. With these, you will be only given a hint of the new content, but you will not be able to reach it.
3.: The doll you can buy is a ˝prototype˝, and not only a doll, but a smart doll, or at least smartish, for the software is still in its infancy, a prototype. It can talk, move, will clean the house and cook for you, have sex with you, but it will be just like a robot, at least in the beginning.
4.: Mind you, buying a doll will send Mrs. Spencer away from your house.
5.: At the moment, only patrons can choose between a male, a shemale and a female doll; other players you can only buy one type of doll, a female. After buying the doll, you can set his/her name, the name you want him/her to call you on, and his/her appearance. There are five feminine and two masculine options to choose from when you set his/her appearance, all preset looks, so you will not be able to fully customize the doll. These settings will be available anytime later in the game, you can change them whenever you want (Important: you can only choose the GENDER of your doll at the beginning, you CANNOT change that later, only his/her looks) After buying it, the doll will be available in your home at all times. She will do different things (mostly cleaning and cooking in the beginning), often giving you a chance to order her around or thank her for her efforts, or even to join in if you wish.
6.: After buying it, the doll will be available in your home at all times. He/she will do different things (mostly cleaning and cooking in the beginning), often giving you a chance to order him/her around or thank him/her for her efforts, or even to join in if you wish.
7a.: Approaching the doll will enable you to change his/her settings, talk with him/her, have sex with him/her and switch him/her off if you like.
8.: Switching the doll off will freeze the storyline.
9.: Your doll, however, will change over time depending on your interactions with him/her. Interacting with the doll will make him/her ˝smarter˝ and more lifelike, and your decisions will shape him/her.
10.: Having sex with the doll and talking with him/her (conversation option) will increase the doll´s smartness. Although you can choose to have sex with him/her or talk with her as many times as you want, there is a limit to how many points you can increase his/her smartness with on one day. Generally, talking with him/her will give more points, and having sex with him/her will give less, but they will both help the doll get smarter.
11.: There are currently 4 stages of the doll.
In the beginning, s/he is a robotic doll, able to do everything required of him/her, but s/he is nothing like a real life partner.
During the second stage, s/he is getting smarter, but the progress is slow, s/he is still a doll, but a more interesting one than in the beginning.
In the third stage, the doll is definitely a smart device, sometimes even like a real partner, but of course without a personality.
In the fourth stage, the doll starts having some kind of a personality based on your previous choices. S/he will be either a little submissive, or a little dominant, refusing to obey your wishes and maybe even making you do certain things she likes. At this point, you will not really know what happened to him/her, and how it happened, but you can sense that something is strange, but hopefully it is strange in an enjoyable way.
12.: Each stage will bring its own little changes in the way you can communicate with him/her, have sex with him/her, in his/her habits around the house, and the way you can react to these.
13.: The doll´s character will mainly be decided by how you behave when you are talking with him/her and when you have sex with him/her, for s/he wants to customize him/herself to your liking.
During the conversation, if you concentrate more on yourself, and less on him/her, s/he will be pushed towards the submissive line, and if you make him/her speak more, s/he will be pushed towards the dominant line.
During sex, if you behave in a dominating manner, s/he will be more submissive, while if you are more submissive, s/he will become more dominant in the end (by the fourth stage).
His/her personality will also be somewhat affected by the everyday interactions. If you order him/her around and reprimand him/her, that will slightly push him/her towards the submissive line, while thanking him/her, helping him/her out or doing something instead of him/her will push him/her towards the dominant line, for the doll will try to be like your ˝dream˝ partner in her own rather simple way.
His/her personality will be decided by your choices, and not by your original attitude, even though you might feel strange if you play with a dominant character, and yet your doll is dominating you by the end.
14.: When the doll reaches his/her final stage, a special sex scene will be triggered, during which your doll will behave just like s/he thinks you want him/her to behave, either somewhat dominant, or somewhat submissive. There are two variants of this scene: one that can be skipped, and one that cannot. If you skip the scene, you nudge your doll’s attitude towards the opposite orientation. (It’s random which will pop up in the morning.) This special scene then will repeat itself sometimes (6-11 days).
15.: If your doll is in the fourth stage, s/he will start nagging you if you neglect her for too long (3 days without either talking or having sex).
16.: After buying the doll, you can still return to the shop, but you will not be able to buy another doll. You can, however, give a rating of the product, which will have absolutely no effect on the game .
17.: After your doll reaches the last stage, the shop will close, and you will not be able to reach anyone from the company, so even if you have some serious questions about your doll´s behaviour, you will not be able to contact anyone. (What´s more, you will not be able to give a rating anymore!)
18.: If your doll is in the fourth stage, you can catch him/her masturbating in the house. You will have the options of joining, watching or ignoring him/her, and your decision will nudge his/her attitude in one direction (joining him/her moves it towards being more dominating, ignoring him/her moves it towards being more submissive, watching him/her moves it a little bit towards the original orientation.) Sometimes he/she will express his/her desire to go outside (visit the town; go shopping for clothes; go out to the park; go out to the beach).
19.: After spending some time in phase 4, the doll will evolve again, giving a new special scene that comes back the same amount of times as the last one.
20.: After stepping into the 5th stage, the doll’s attitude will lock in, giving a doll a ˝sub˝ or ˝dom˝ rating (less than 1 equals a sub rating, while anything over 1 will get the dom rating)
21.: As soon as the doll evolves into this new stage the chance to take the doll out on a shopping date will appear at home between 10AM and 4PM.
22.: After the doll evolves to the 5th stage if you visit the sex shop you will be able to buy your doll a sex toy (only one at this time). Which the doll will use instead of the previous masturbation interaction.
23.: Apart from this, there are new conversations with the doll, new domestic interactions and new sex scenes, just like with the previous evolutions.
24.: After you took the doll on a shopping date, s/he will ask you to take him/her out again. You will be able to take him/her out three more times - the date option will appear at home (but only before 7PM). The dates follow each other with 5 The dates are not repeatable at the moment.
25.: The first date that you can bring the doll on is a movie night at the cinema.
- S/he will insist that you buy popcorn for yourself, which you can refuse or agree with. If you refuse, s/he will make a scene.
- Then you can initiate some groping during the movie, or you can have sex in the car after the movie (only if you choose to watch the movie instead of touching the doll).
26.: The second date is a night at the Horned Cat strip club.
- You will need to have at least $60 for this date - you have to pay the entrance fee for both of you.
- Then the doll asks you for more money because s/he wants to tip the dancer - if you refuse, s/he will get offended.
- You can redeem yourself at the end by dancing to him/her at home - s/he will forgive you and you can have sex with him/her.
- If you gave him/her money, s/he will dance for you at home.
- If you work at the strip club, the whole date will play out differently: you will meet Venus or Apollo, and s/he will ask you to introduce the doll to him/her.
- If you lie, you need charm and intelligence higher than level 4 to be able to pull it off. If both of your skills are lower, your doll will make a scene, and you don´t get to have sex with him/her at home.
The third date is a night at the Extreme Circumstances.
- You will need to have at least $50 for this date to pay the entrance fee.
- You will become jealous over your doll trying to undress in the middle of the club. If you choose to have a drink to try and calm down, you will receive another from a mysterious stranger.
- If you accept the second drink, it´ll make you sick and you throw up in the club, which will result in the bouncer throwing you out and your doll getting angry at you for ruining the date.
- If you don´t drink (or just once), you can either take your doll home to have sex, or you can go to a private room to have sex in the club.