Storyline begins after visiting the Masquerade ball 3 times. Upon returning from the ball you will receive a note in your costume and a new location on the map will be unlocked.
The new location is titled The Manor and is only accepting visitors on Friday evenings. If you go anytime other than Friday evening, you'll be turned away at the gate.
To get inside the manor you need one of 4 costumes: - security guard (sold the first time you visit the manor, or Monday between noon and 7pm at the costume shop at the Main Square) - server (sold the first time you visit the manor, or Monday between noon and 7pm at the costume shop at the Main Square) - gimp suit (sold at the sex shop in the Red Light District) - guest robes (currently unavailable)
Once you get an outfit and enter the manor, you can do 2 things: blend in (2 generic and 5 special events. Special events can be agreed to or rejected. Every time you reject it you gain 3 suspicion. Blending in automatically reduces suspicion by 1) or snoop (certain snooping events lead to receiving 1, 2, or 3 suspicion). Having 5 suspicion kicks you out of the manor and bans you from it for 2 weeks. Additionally, you lose your costumes and will have to repurchase them.
All events happen within 3 hotspots within the manor: the garden, the smoking room, and the dance floor. When blending in, the game takes you all over the manor. When snooping, you can choose what area you snoop in.
Each area uncovers a secret about a room hidden within the manor. You need to snoop 5 times in the garden, 3 times on the dance floor, 4 times in the smoking room. Once all secrets are revealed, you can choose to enter the secret room, or wait until you get a guest robe.
This is the current ending of the storyline.