To enter Kinktopia, you need to be a patron of the game and have a permit granted to you. There are currently six ways of getting the permit:
- Finishing the storyline of the Manor with the secret ball on Fridays will grant you one
- Doing at least 26 Kinkperiences will get you a special event that grants one.
- Making at least 10 movies as a porn star will grant you one in a city event
- Taking a job at the circus as a freak or a prize/victim at the games for a collective 30 times will grant you one in a city event
- Getting to the second gallery event in the Steel/Thorn bondage storyline will grant you one in a city event
- Getting invited to the gallery event in the triskellion storyline will eventually get you one in a city event
The entrance point to the community will be a separate location in Hornstown. It resembles a border control station with multiple officers.
Here there will be multiple checks to clear before the PC can proceed:
1.: Patron check. The community is patron only. Before anything else can happen, non patrons are given a message and a redirection to patreon/subscribestar about not being able to proceed.
2.: The PC needs to have a Kinktopia permit (obtainable through various storyline) to apply as a resident, or to be owned by another resident as a sub. (like the Vlad/Emma content, not applicable here but info is given about it.)
3.: EXTREME check: to proceed the PC needs to have a SEX-ED extreme status of either a verified Dom, sub or switch.
- If the PC is not verified yet, they are urged to get more experience
- If the PC is at another stage of the Sex-Ed storyline they are urged to proceed with their studies.
- If the PC has not started SexED yet, they are urged to do so.
4.: Doms and subs are separated.
- Switches are told to make a decision, informed that you need to be either a Dom or a sub in the community but you can change status later based on your actions.
- Doms are told that there are no available homes for them in the community right now but will be notified when this changes. Make a note to the player that this function is not yet available but will be in a later version!
- Subs are taken to the sub exam.
The sub exam
A humiliating and sexy-erotic scene involving domination and restraints. The PC can step away from this process at any time.
1.: The PC is stripped, manhandled, given a thorough physical examination and search as well as ordered into various humiliating positions and given embarrassing questions. If the PC has an attitude above 4, they cannot go through with it and are rejected.
2.: The PC is given a series of insultingly easy questions. If the PC is int < 2, they are rejected.
3.: The PC is prompted to sign away all their possessions, including house, money and possessions, including clothes (they are stripped naked) and phone, then finally themselves to their new owner. Since the PC does not have a specific Dom, this will be the Kinktopia Management Authority. The PC is given 4 SubCoins, 1 for each title (house, money, possessions and themselves).
Make each signing away scene a separate passage with the PCs name as the link to the next one.
4.: The final touch is up to the PC to choose as a sort of ‘last choice they can make as a free person’ about how to thank the officers for their time:
- being shaven bald and removing their bodyhair
- kissing all the officers feet on their knees
- being spanked heavily by the officers for their future transgressions in the community
- being used sexually by all the officers present
5.: After everything is done, the PC is dressed in the standard sub uniform and set loose in Kinktopia.
Kinktopia living
As an unowned sub in Kinktopia, the PC has to live in the SubStall, a sort of capsule hotel for subs. The “rooms” are barebones and simplistic with some sub-related propaganda everywhere (posters, signs etc.). There is also a communal meal area where the PC is given basic slop to eat.
There is also a big screen visible from all the communal areas of the place.
1.: The PC can rent a spot for a day for 1 SubCredit, which will allow them to access the following features for the rest of the day. Renting a room here is a sub choice.
- appearance changes (same as in the ecdomhome and the original home)
- clothing changes (so far the sub clothes are the only clothes to access but more options might be coming)
- check status - this gives the PC their EXTREME status (copy from app) as well as their current status from the phone selfie option without a phone
- masturbation - masturbating here is possible but will result in an electric shock after finishing, and the video of the PC doing it broadcast on the screen for the rest of the day.
- sleep - normal sleep, brings the next day, make a ‘morning’ passage.
2.: The PC can also attempt to sleep in the rough from the Kinktopia commons. Doing this has a 70%-larceny*10% chance of getting caught by the authorities (2 day sentence, starts on next day. Otherwise it advances the day as normal. (This is a sub choice). Make a morning passage!
Kinktopia punishment center
A punishment center for the misbehaving subs and the criminal elements. Not accessible from the map, but a place where the PC is transferred to when appropriate. The PC is stipped naked and given a shock collar and cuffs (use naked bondage outfit).
Currently the main way of ending up here is trying to sleep in the rough at Kinktopia commons.
1.: There is only one punishment currently which is similar to the ‘cage day’ event in ecdomhome. The PC is locked up in a small, uncomfortable cage, subjected to constant propaganda about not being a lazy sub and a burden to society.
Giving in to the influence advances the time by 3 hours/event. (sub choice)
Resisting the influence advances the time by 1 hour/event (Dom choice)
The PC can sleep once it is 8PM.
Kinktopia gym
A gym with separate sections for doms and subs. currently sub section only. It’s its own location on the map.
1.: For 1 SubCredit, a special strange bondage themed workouts (bound to gym equipment, stimulated by spanking/lashes, humiliated during sessions etc.) that help the PC gain fitness. (sub choice)
2.: For money a PC can buy a daily pass or a membership here. Only for show now, the PC has no money. (Will be the Dom choice)
Kinktopia personal advancement
A sub-training center allowing subs to boost their Intelligence and Charm. Accessible from kt_center.
1.: Training Charm costs 1 SubCredit. Using this is a sub choice.
This is a short session with an overly cheerful and humiliating video about the PC accepting and appreciating their position as a lowly sub as well as tips for good behaviour. This in itself does nothing but if the PC has a high enough kt_socialcount, it advances their Charm to the next level instantly. Otherwise they get a message about needing to engage with more people in the real world to benefit from the lesson.
2.: Training Intelligence costs 1 SubCredit. Using this is a sub choice.
This is a series of basic BDSM themed logics puzzles, like:
- counting the number of smacks given to the PC
- bdsm themed trivia questions - 1 each time
- a varied multiple choice option of correctly responding in a situation but the answer is always ‘whatever I am told to do’ - 1 each time
Getting it right gives kt_iqimprove +2, getting it wrong gives kt_iqimprove -1.
3.: For money a PC can buy a session with a personal guru here. Only for show now, the PC has no money. (Will be the Dom choice)
Finding a Dom
A sort of sub-shop, where subs can advertise themselves, hoping to attract the attention of a Dom. It costs 1 SubCredit for the PC to display themselves for 8 hours. This is a sub choice.
The PC is put on a stand, naked, available for all to see in the plaza. The PCs attributes are displayed in a humiliating fashion for all to see. (use relevant status data from phone selfie/check yourself out)
Otherwise, this has the same basic structure as a job. Currently there is no chance of actually finding a dom. Make a note to the player that this function is not yet available but will be in a later version!
This is a sub only location.
1.: Basic event. The 8 hours passes with the PC being ogled and occasionally
2.: Event: a gender preferance dom examines and tests the PC humiliatingly slave market style
3.: Event: a gender preferance dom berates and humiliates the PC for being sub-standard, using their lowest attribute
4.: Event: a gender preferance dom has quick sex with the pc to evaluate them
Trying to get out of Kinktopia
There is no way to leave Kinktopia and go back to Hornstown. However, there will later be options to visit specific outside locations (like the club in the Vlad/Emma storyline).
This is currently not possible, but the structure is there.
1.: Kinktopia border control. Accessible from a separate location. A mirror of the entrance to the gated community.
As a sub, the PC is forbidden from exiting the community unless they have a specific document from their owner. A form is given here for them to return with.
- if the PC has an owner (currently Vlad/Emma only) they will realize that it is unlikely they would grant this permission
- if the PC has no owner they will need to go to the Kinktopia Management Authority HQ.
2.: Kinktopia Management Authority HQ is a location accessible from kt_center. It’s a very grandiose and official looking place.
Currently there are two options for subs:
- apply for a change of status - will be rejected unless the PC has more Dom than sub points otherwise goes the same way as the permission to leave
- apply for a permission to leave the community - it is taken under consideration and the PC is told they will be notified when the decision is made