1.: Storyline starts after reaching the home of your Master/Mistress at the end of the previous Vlad/Emma (dominants at the Extreme Circumstances club) storyline.
You are now living in Kinktopia, under the rule of your Dom in their house.
2.: Each day begins with a random wakeup scene, wherein your Dom tells you your tasks for the day. You always need to take care of dinner and one other task. The exception to this is if your owner decides to lock you into your cage for the day, then you only have to spend your time until they are back.
3.: To make the correct dinner, you need to remember which of the three options (cook, order, make a cold dinner) your Dom has requested. Only the cooking option has a skill test associated, a random difficulty Intelligence test to see if you can follow the recipe.
4.: Your other tasks are more varied:
- You might be ordered to do some self-improvement. These will eventually advance your fitness/charm/intelligence skills (you need twice as many exercises as your current level).
- You might be ordered to take up a job. You can do this at the Kinktopia Community Center. You need to work one shift in any job fulfilled there to fulfill the task
- You might be ordered not to leave the house. This happens usually when there are chores to be done inside.
- You might be ordered to spend the day in your cage. This nullifies your other responsibilities.
5.: You also need to make sure everything in the house is up to your Dom's standards by doing the necessary chores.
- Making dinner is a chore you need to do every day (see above).
- Shopping is a chore you need to do every few days. You can do this at the Kinktopia Community Center.
- Cleaning is a chore you need to do every days. It's a housekeeping skill check, failing it will make it take longer. Doing it earlier than needed reduces the difficulty of the check.
- Laundry is a chore you need to do every days. It's a housekeeping skill check, failing it will make it take longer. Doing it earlier than needed reduces the difficulty of the check.
6.: You can spend the rest of the day however you wish at Kinktopia, or just wait for your Dom to arrive. Your last responsibility is being at home to greet your Dom at 6PM. Not paying attention to how long tasks or events take can make you miss the deadline.
7.: If everything goes smoothly, your Dom will be pleased and engage in one of the three possible evening scenes.
- Play at the club. This will give you the opportunity to replay all of the scenes form the previous part of the content.
- Play at home. A random scene from three possible ones that you can engage with at home.
- A quiet evening. A varied scene where you assist your Dom to relax.
8.: If you made any mistake during the day, you will be punished, either by a quick punishment scene at home or taken to the club and re-live one of the punishment scenes from the previous part of the content. You will also spend the night in your cage.
9.: There is no end to the storyline right now, you can just keep playing until you see everything.