1.: This storyline starts when you decide to take part of the medical trial offered at the clinic. The storyline will only progress if you start it as a man with a masculine face, body, no breasts and a non-caged cock.
2.: You can choose a one-off or a long term trial. the second one comes with extra responsibility of having to go back for an inspection to the clinic every day. Failing to turn up will get you thrown into the clinic`s own jail where you will be experimented on, but the pill`s effects will be over. You will need at least 6 Intelligence to notice this when you read the contract.
3.: Regardless of what type of trial you choose, you will wake up with small breasts the next morning, and have to go into the clinic with them. If anything else would happen on this morning (like Dean`s arrival for instance) it will be skipped, you are too busy with the changes.
- If you have a dominant attitude, threatening legal action will get you a coupon to the clinic
- Resorting to violence will get you thrown into the clinic`s jail
- If you are okay with the changes but chosen the short trial, you will have an option to switch to a longer one.
4.: On the longer trial, you will continue to experience changes each morning for a week. When visiting Dr. Marlowe, he will - somewhat pervily - examine you, until the pill`s effects wear off. In the end you will have breasts, a small cock, an androgyneous body and face.
5.: When the pill`s effects wear off, Marlowe will tell you, that he wants to go on. If you like the changes he will ask you to cooperate, and if you don`t like them he will tell you that if you go through with it, he will change you back in the end. You are given time to decide what you want to do.
6.: The storyline forks into four paths here.
- Exiting the clinic, you are approached by a strange little woman, Cara. She offers you an alternative to Experilabs, called Femmelabs. This leads to a bimbofication route. If you pay any money for a procedure at Femmelabs, you will no longer be able to visit Experilabs.
- You can search for an alternative within the clinic. You will need to either know Claire (the nurse) well, or have a Charm skill of 3 to find Dr. Benett, who has an offer to take down Dr. Marlowe.
- You can accept Marlowe`s offer either with or without agreeing to Benett`s scheme.
- You can also just say no to Marlowe and get on with your life and the changes you went through.
7.: When the storyline continues, you will continue to change each day when you visit Marlowe. He is also more sexually aggressive, and you are more horny every day.
- Resisting his advances requires that you abstain from sex while under the effect of the pills. The higher your intelligence and the more dominant you are, the more you can have sex with before succumbing to the effects. Once you do, you will no longer be able to resist his advances. Taking Benett`s offer (and the green pill) negates this effect and you will always be able to say no.
- If you agreed to Benett`s offer, you cantake down Marlowe and terminate the storyline any time you resist his advances. (prectially every day you visit him)
8.: Once you get your pussy, the changes will stop and Marlowe will run out of pills. There are three possible endings.
- If you have gotten addicted to sex under the effects of the pills you will become his willing accomplice as a sexy nurse in an ending to the game.
- If you managed to resist the addiction on your own, he will just let you go but won`t reverse any of the changes.
- If you allied yourself with Benett, you will have one last chance to take him down.